The coordinator of our mission to India this year is Dr. Mukul Parikh, an anesthesiologist who works in Harrisburg. I have had the pleasure to work alongside him the past two years on trips to the Philippines. He has a passion for helping others and has done a marvelous job in coordinating this trip including accommodations, meals, ground transportation and oh, did I mention the hospital already has pre-screened over 200 patients and provided us with names, ages, type of cases and other information. These folks are ready to have their surgeries! I hope they serve hearty breakfast in Khambhat, because we are all going to need a lot of energy as we are really going to be busy. Thank you Mukul for overseeing this fantastic journey; can’t wait to see you and everyone tomorrow!!
Here is what Mukul emailed me this morning:
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you for doing this blog. I have sent it to many friends- they are already following it. Attached is a photo my wife, Neelima took yesterday. (due to technical difficulties, I will have to post the photo later)
Here is my bio:
· In Private Practice since 1984
· Chairman, Dept of Anesthesia at Pinnacle Health System, Harrisburg, PA since 2008

· Clinical Director, Anesthesia Dept at Polyclinic Medical Center 1994-1999
· President, Central Penn Anesthesia 1989-1999
· Fellowship Cardiac Anesthesia and Critical Care, Syracuse, NY. 1983-1984
· Anesthesia residency Syracuse, NY, 1980-1983
· Medical School/Internship Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India. 1972-1979.
I have been participating in World Surgical Foundation and other Surgical Missions since 2000. Total of 13 Missions so far including multiple trips to the Philippines, India, Thailand and Ethiopia. I have organized/coordinated missions to India in 2004 (Vadodara), 2008 (Hyderabad) and most recently our oup this week - Khambat (2013). I am married to Neelima Parikh, MD- an Anesthesiologist. I follow her on all the missions- both for surgery and in LIFE. We have 2 sons- Ankur- Urologist in private practice in Worcester,Mass., and Anuj- who is a 3rd year General Surgery Resident at Pinnacle Health System, Harrisburg, PA. I am so happy that Anuj will be coming along with us to participate on Khambhat Mission.
Looking forward to Khambhat- one of the most organized and generous host Hospital- with more than 200 patients pre-screened and ready.
Well, my readers; that is what I have for today. Perhaps tonight after I pack my still unpacked clothing, I will post again. Thank you for coming along with us. It means a lot to each and every member of the team.
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